Monday, December 1, 2008

The wonder of the season

Last week I had the opportunity to see old home movies and photographs. Most people cringe at the thought of watching past moments. I found myself a bit like Chevy Chase in Christmas Vacation minus being trapped in an attic. My eyes watered and my heart filled with joy.

The videos and pictures ranged from my childhood to my dad's childhood. There were several pictures of my mother and father as a young married couple. During one of the slideshows on the projector a picture of my Aunt Bessie flashed on the scene. Aunt Bessie lived to be 101 years-old. She was sharp, witty, and tough. When the picture came up my dad yelled to mom, "Come check out this picture." When my mom saw the pictures she kissed her fingers and reached her hand up to the screen and said, "Hi, Aunt Bessie. I miss you."

I was moved by her action. Her simple gesture displayed her love and care for this member of our family. As I reflect on this moment I am struck by how the memories of Aunt Bessie flood into my mind. I miss her most at Halloween, but all throughout the holiday season.

The season of the holidays can be quite wondrous. Pictures and stories have the power to flood our minds. Memories of loved ones fill our hearts. May your advent season be filled with wonder and memories of loved ones past and present.


Brent said...

Wow Jenn. I got a little teary from reading that.

Anonymous said...

lol, brent said teary... but I'll admit I got misty too!

Pastor Jenn said...

I told someone about that experience today and I got misty/teary too. I am glad you two were touched by the memory of that moment too!