Monday, April 6, 2009

Spring Wonderland

On Saturday I went to the Botanical Gardens. It was a warm, sunny day, and spring flowers were in bloom. Several individuals took advantage of the wonderful spring day. The gardens were packed.

When I first arrived, everywhere I turned I had to stand in a line. I was a bit annoyed. I wanted to roam free and dance near all the flowers. Instead, I had to wait to take pictures until people moved back.

As I looked closer at my companions I saw a mother and father dancing with delight with their infant as they were surrounded by new life emerging from the ground. I saw small children running up to flowers touching them and laughing. I saw an elderly couple juggling a camera as they tried to capture all the life that moved around them. In an instant I was surrounded by new life, not just flowers, but people joyously celebrating the season of spring.

During holy week we are invited into a time of reflection where we examine the tension of life and death. Tonight we are expected to get a hard freeze. It seems more appropriate to talk about death as winter gives us (hopefully only) one more round of cold. But, we know the ground is anxious and already beginning to give new life.

Walking down the paths at the Botanical Gardens, I found myself renewed and re-energized by all the life that surrounded me. New life will come as it has seasons before. New life will have a hard time preserving through all the elements.

May your heart be surprised by the beauty of a tulip or the scent of a hyacinth. Dance with joy and delight as new life comes!