Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Baby Jesus, Santa, Charlie Brown, and a flock of chicks

Christmas feels very different as an adult. I remember as a child the excitement and wonder I used to feel as Christmas drew closer and closer. As an adult, my energy of wonder and excitement have been redirected to other tasks. I am told having children brings some of those feelings back. As I am a few years away from having children, I keep trying other ways to find that special feeling.

This past Sunday that feeling, that wonder, came in four different ways. I experienced my first Triptych service at WGCC. A Triptych is a piece of artwork with three door accentuating the center panel. For several years WGCC has invited characters to come and be the still life pieces of the picture of the shepherds, angels, and wise people gathered to see Jesus'. So, this past Sunday morning, I got to see Jesus as played by infant Sydney Woodrome. Right before the doors opened to reveal the holy family, I heard loud crying sounds. But as the doors opened, I saw a majestic infant playing the part of the peaceful, quiet, Jesus child. It was beautiful.

After the service Brent and I were invited to share a meal at some church members' home. Following the meal, our host read us a story about Santa Claus (this was for the children, but I wanted to hear the story too). The story was about a Santa who visits sick children during the year brings them medical supplies, helps build wells, and works to save the environment. This is a Santa I can support. As the story ended Santa paid us a visit. We gave Santa the medical supplies we had collected to take to our Global Mission Partners in Haiti. It was one of my favorite moments with Santa.

I had one more event on Sunday, a Christmas party with the Youth Group. We met in fellowship hall and shared food that we had all made for one another. Then we watched Charlie Brown's Christmas. Charlie Brown always helps remind me what it is all about this time of year. In the past, the youth group has brought small gifts to give one another. This year one of our sponsors suggested we bring that one or two dollars to the group and pool our money to buy a flock of chicks (a $20 invest) from Heifer International. Heifer is working to eliminate hunger and poverty by providing families live stock so they can become self sustaining. After our party I counted the money we had collected. We had enough money to buy seven flocks of chicks. It was such a wonderful gift.

In celebrating an infant child during Advent, we know God's love in the world. Love has the power to permeate our lives and make us give generous of ourselves to one another. As I reflect upon that day in this advent season, I realize the four pieces of my day were deeply connected. All the wonder and excitement of Christmas rushed into my life because of the infant child, Santa Claus, Charlie Brown, and a few flocks of chicks.