Monday, November 17, 2008

Post-Election Reflections

Over the past week I attended two ordination services. It was wonderful to gather with friends and family to celebrate the life and ministry of my colleagues and friends. While sharing a meal before one of the services I had a holy post election moment.

On the eve before the election I wondered what things might look like on the other side of the election and in Nebraska while preparing for an ordination service I witnessed more history. A 92 year-old Caucasian Republican man from Nebraska invited an African American Homosexual Democrat woman from St. Louis to join him in singing. Both individuals were passionate singers. Separately each of them could ‘bring it’, but their voices united singing Amazing Grace gave me chills. I had the urge to record the moment and send it to President-elect Obama. The 15-20 people gathered in the room all ceased conversation the moment they began singing, because we all knew we were on holy ground. Labels ceased to matter. For a moment things seemed less complicated. It was simple, we were humanity gathered to celebrate and share life.

Life is not without complications, but every once and a while it is good to experience the beautiful diversity of humanity living in peace.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Election Eve

On election eve I find myself quite anxious.  Some of my anxiety stems from my concern over who will be our next president, but a vast majority of my concern stems from my ponderings about how we as a national community will respond to the vote.  We face some huge challenges and we need a way forward.  Somehow we must come together and meet the challenges together.  Will we unite and progress together whatever the outcome may be?  

Last week I finished the book The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd.  I found many insights and challenges for life in this tale.  But, one stands out thinking about Wednesday morning. One of the characters August, says, life is more than loving folks, life is about persisting in love.  On Wednesday and each morning after, we will have opportunity after opportunity to persist in love. This persistence just may be a way for us to face the challenges present in our midst and the challenges that await us.    

It may mean that I have to love my neighbor who voted for ______________.  But, loving that neighbor and working together for our schools, our healthcare, our economy, just may be the only way.