Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Watch and Wait

In a season that invites us to give of our time, our talent, our food, and our resources, it is vastly important to give food, talent, resources, and time for ourselves! Today I was reminded of the value of making time for ourselves.

Snow lightly covered the ground last night. So, this morning I planned a little extra time for travel to my first appointment. As I came to the second stop light on my journey I noticed traffic was abnormally heavy. After a few rounds of the traffic light, I noticed the left arrow had been skipped time and time again. So, I sat at the light, waiting. Inside I wanted to scream, but I quickly realized there was nothing I could do. So instead of getting angry I tried my best to be patient and the light did change, eventually. I even reflected for a moment on all this waiting we do for the Christ child to come again into our lives.

As I continued on my journey, I hit more traffic. I called my spiritual director, the place I was headed, to let her know that I was running late. Soon after I called I realized traffic had stopped moving again. There was a train. I sat in my car calmly and peacefully eagerly awaiting to get to my appointment.

Later today I made a trip to the post office. There was one person working the post office counter. So I grabbed a ticket and waited. As I left the post office in a good mood, I realized this day could have gone south in a hurry. But, I had taken a moment for me and for my spirituality today and that gave me peace. As I watched and waited today, normally I would have wanted to rush the traffic along or to have gotten through the line much quicker. But today, on a day that I made intentional time for me and my spiritual well-being, I was calm.

I pray you find time for yourself and your spiritual selves this advent season. May you be filled with unexpected moments of peace and calm in the midst of all your waiting.

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